ART/ ‘Leonardo Da Vinci. The First Mona Lisa’, until 26 May 2024
Until 26 May 2024, the Mona Lisa Foundation, in collaboration with SM.Art and WeAreBeside, is presenting ‘The First Mona Lisa‘, the painting of the Florentine woman Lisa del Giocondo, who became famous as Mona Lisa, at the Società Promotrice delle Belle Arti in Turin, in the Parco del Valentino, some ten years before the iconic ‘Mona Lisa’ in the Louvre.
The ‘First Mona Lisa’, subjected to scientific tests and examinations more than any other historical painting, fascinates scholars worldwide. The painting became the subject of international attention when it was presented to the media in 2012 by the Mona Lisa Foundation (a Swiss non-profit foundation), which released the results of more than 35 years of studies. Historical evidence shows that there have always been two versions of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.
Leonardo often created his paintings in several versions, including his Vergine delle Rocce, Madonna del Fusi and the Madonna col Bambino. Experts attribute two paintings of the Mona Lisa to Leonardo da Vinci, neither of which is a copy of the other. Since there is no original preparatory drawing for the Mona Lisa, it is believed likely that Leonardo may have painted one of the two portraits directly on canvas before working on the final copy.
Leonardo Da Vinci. La Prima Monna Lisa
By: Mona Lisa Foundation
Where: La Promotrice delle Belle Arti in Torino.
Viale Diego Balsamo Crivelli, 11, 10126 Torino, all’interno del Parco del Valentino
24 novembre 2023 – 26 maggio 2024
Orari: 10-20
Biglietti: Intero 14 euro – ridotto 12 euro – scuole 6 euro
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